Fleet Management

From: Shenzhen Rugline Technology Co., LTD  Date:2022-10-24 11:33:46  Hits:342  Belong to:Retail


Increasing requirements for accurate and instant transportation information are mandates with today's ever-increasing pressure to meet customer expectations – all of which depend on an efficient information feedback mechanism. Especially when goods are in transport, both retailers and customers are eager to know their status and real-time location.  


Rugline telematics-based vehicle-mounted computer are seamlessly integrated with GPS, camera, OBD module, and 4G connectivity to develop a true all-the-way on-road tracking. GPS provides accurate location details of each vehicle to the backend server; cameras records drivers’ behavior and cargo condition; OBD capability transfers vehicle driving data; fingerprint sensor authenticates drivers’ identities; 4G connectivity sends all these captured data to the backend server wirelessly. Fleet administrators have real-time access to fleet live data.


1. Rugline vehicle-mounted computer helps retailers gain the real-time visibility of the location and status of vehicles and goods, preventing employee fraud and increasing productivity. ​

2. Customers can also know their orders' status and location, which will give them more confidence to the retailer. 
Shenzhen Rugline Technology Co., LTD